Artist Information Form for Featured Artists “Loveland Heartbreak: A Duality”

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form! We know that you may have already provided some of this information during your submission, but having everything in one place will help us better promote your work. We truly appreciate your effort in doing this more than once—it ensures that we can support you as effectively as possible.

This information will be used to feature you on our “Featured Artists” page for 12 months from the exhibition date. The more detail you provide, the easier it is for us to help promote you and connect you with art lovers and collectors.

Additionally, we would love to offer a “Buy Now” option for your page during the exhibition. The faster you get back to us with this form, the more likely we will be able to have this ready to go, increasing your chances of making a sale.

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As you'd like it to appear on promotional material
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please provide a bio that can be shared on our website and in promotional materials. This should include your background, education, notable exhibitions, and key themes in your work.
Unique / Original Work
Please provide a brief description or background of the piece, up to 150 words.
Feel free to list any specific or unique methods, materials, or processes.
You can share how this work fits into your broader portfolio or what it means to you
Please provide a quote or phrase that encapsulates your artistic approach or philosophy. This may be used in promotional materials alongside your bio or work.
Image Release Permission: By submitting this form, I grant Bushwick Gallery permission to use my provided images and any images captured during the exhibition for promotional purposes, including but not limited to: • Social media posts • Website features • Email newsletters • Press releases and promotional material I understand that the images will be used solely for the purpose of promoting my work and the exhibition and that I will be credited as the artist wherever my work is shown. • Do you agree to the terms of the image release?